Sunday, April 15, 2012

Day 9

So, yesterday I was talking about how I was going to bask in all the sun I missed out yesterday? Yeah, it only stuck around for a little bit.  This morning I awoke eager to get my day moving so I could soak up those sweet rays while celebrating my moms birthday at the park with the family.  

I broke out my cute pink flip flops, cuffed up my jeans - ready for the sun.   But, the sun was playing hard to get and by the end of the day, this is that what the valley looked like......

The sun did peak out over the clouds off and on while at the park, but I was hoping for so much more! And, while the 5 day forecast doesn't look that promising, I can still hope that the sun will come out to play sooner rather than later! 

On side note, mom's birthday was a success! The family was all together (with the exception of my sis-in-law and one of my nephews who was home sick - get better soon Jake!), footballs were thrown, presents were given, Happy Birthday was sang, and Chocolate Cake was ate!

So, for now, I will enjoy my cup of hot peppermint tea while the rain is sprinkling down outside...



  1. I wish I had some sun to bask in! haha cute blog my dear :)

  2. Hi Lindsay! I just wanted to let you know that I gave you the Liebster Blog Award!! Check out what that entails on my blog!! :)


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